"The mission is to reach as many people as possible
as soon as possible and to teach others how to do the same."
READ - Lori's Personal Story &
 How YOU Can Fulfill God's Plan For YOUR Life!
Learn How Hundreds Received Christ, and
How An Evangelism Academy Was Formed!
 "God Bless You Girl" Lori Mestas has a powerful invitation for you... 📺 👇
It happened again, didn't it? Another person slipped by without reaching  out to them. 🙁
You knew you were supposed to but you didn’t. WHY? Why is it so hard to share the Lord with people?

One main reason… FEAR! Fear of rejection, fear of offending someone, fear of not knowing what to say, fear of looking stupid... FEAR, FEAR, FEAR!!!

But how do you overcome this fear? How do you press past it and not buckle under the pressure?

If you could get free from the fear of reaching out to others, do you think you would share your faith more??? Let me help you with this oneABSOLUTELY! 😁

Hi. I’m Lori Mestas and getting free from Fear was a game changer for me when it came to sharing my faith.

Not only did I lead many more to the Lord, but my life got better in the process! I went from having a good Christian life to having an AMAZING CHRISTIAN LIFE! 

In addition to overcoming fear, God gave me creative, practical ways to witness that are authentic and VERY effective. 

These have been the MOST FULFILLING EXPERIENCES I've ever had, and YOU can EXPERIENCE them too!

It’s obvious that your heart is VERY SERIOUS about doing the Father’s work and that’s why you’re here. God wants to use you in a mighty way! You've been called for such a time as this but now IT’S TIME to GET EQUIPPED! So why not start today?! 
From approach... to conversation... to conversion, you can learn how to become more effective for God in a matter of weeks! I’d love to help you get there and take this journey with you! 

So let’s do this thing... It’s time ⏰ to become all God has called you to be and fulfill God's purpose for YOUR life!

Love, Lori ♥️ Mestas
Lori Shares Her Faith Boldly & Effectively 👇
"I was a former atheist, Jewish,
new-ager who came to Christ."
That’s quite a mouthful, isn’t it?! Let’s just say I was searching for truth and I’m so glad I found it! I should say, Found HIM! JESUS – The way, the truth and the life! And what a GREAT life I’ve had in Him!  

Over 30 years ago after saying, “Yes,” to Jesus, I began falling madly in love with God. Before I knew it, I started loving what He loves and doing what He does. It didn’t take long to realize what God loves more than anything else in this worldPEOPLE! So it stands to reason He was calling me to love them too! To be His vessel - His hands, His feet, and His mouthpiece to demonstrate His mercy and love to a world that desperately needs Him.  

Even though my heart was all for it, truth be told, my mind, body and emotions wanted to run fast in the other direction! While I've always felt called to evangelize, honestly, it was a struggle right off the bat. My spirit was willing, but my flesh was weak! I would come up with every excuse NOT to do it! 😳 Perhaps you can relate? Frankly, I didn’t even know if sharing my faith would be possible. 

For years I was frustrated knowing I was supposed to do something, but wasn't doing it. I hated that. The problem was deeper than I realized. Not only was I disobeying God, I was disappointing my Father and I couldn’t live with that. So finally one day I said, “THAT’S IT!!!” I made a vow to God and told Him I would do whatever He wanted me to do.  From that day forward, my life completely changed! I had an ah-ha moment (a revelation as many would call it) that revolutionized my entire walk with God!  

But even though I was fully committed, I still wasn’t sure how to go about this. There had to be a way to keep fear at bay and I knew God would show me. So I began fervently studying His Word - digesting so many teachings that helped me overcome fear and go forth boldly. As a result, God showed me (through a number of experiences and opportunities) how to SMEAR THE FEAR that kept me back from telling others about Jesus. Hallelujah!

First, I engaged in more prayer and that certainly made a big difference in my approach. And then, as I began to truly tap into God’s supernatural power….guess what? It seemed to work EVERY TIME. Following these nudges (a.k.a hearing from God) made ALL the difference! And I want to make sure you know how this all works!

I finally realized that my problems weren’t all my fault! It boiled down to lies I was believing... causing these deep rooted fears to control me...and THAT'S WHY I wasn’t able to properly share my faith. No wonder I was struggling! 
"For years, I believed a lie that people weren't open to hearing about God."
But as I continued to trust God, I began stepping out boldly. As a result, I realized that many of the fears I had weren’t true at all! In fact, 99% percent of the people I approached were actually INTERESTED in knowing about God! I was amazed! As God continued to prove Himself to me through these powerful encounters, I realized that my “everyday evangelistic activities” brought me more fulfillment than ANYTHING else in my life. ♥️

Bringing another person into relationship with Father is the most rewarding feeling that I've ever experienced...and I want those same experiences for YOU! That’s why I always say, “There is no greater fulfillment than fulfilling the Great Commission!”

The real problem appears to be that many of us live in fear of what others think of us. This lie, coupled with the lie that others don't want to hear about God, has kept believers from doing what we're here to do. These are two HUGE LIES!

But once I truly understood who I was in Christ…(my true identity and purpose) that’s when everything started to really change. From there, I began leading more and more people to the Lord - simply while I went about my daily activities! The results were amazing and I knew that I needed to share these God-ordained tips with others. See for YOURSELF! 👇 
Witness With Confidence
Course Completion Earns You An Authentic Ambassador Certificate!
But it's stories like these 👆 that led me to start a ministry offering online courses to people all over the world - aiming to REACH others with the Gospel in a truly, authentic and effective way. Why? Because God has called me to "reach as many people as possible and as soon as possible and teach others how to do the same!"

The wonderful methods God has given me need to be shared because we have a BIG world to reach! I'm totally amazed as to how these “methods” are helping others. I'm blown away by the testimonies! Did you watch them?

I've also noticed that most Christians shy away from sharing God with others - they just don't know how to overcome it. This is a BIG PROBLEM, seeing that we all know we are supposed to do it! But unfortunately, most of us haven't been taught how. UNTIL NOW!

In order to fulfill God's mandate of "reaching as many people as possible as soon as possible," it made sense to take an online approach... giving people the opportunity worldwide to make a difference for God right where they're at!

So that’s why I created the Authentic Evangelism Academy. It took years of studying, writing, hearing and obeying God to develop the content for this course. And yes, this endeavor caused me to make a significant investment in digital advertising in order to REACH THE WORLD, but it's totally worth it. Why? Because I know this course will exponentially advance God's kingdom!

Having these tools will make you SO MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE in reaching others for Christ! What took me YEARS to master can be taught to you in 8 short videos (less than a half hour each!) Sure, you'll need to put into practice everything you learn...but these resources give you the practical knowledge needed to get the ball rolling and start winning souls for the Lord!

In this course, you will discover:
✔️ How to reach out to others and fulfill your destiny.
✔️ What God's purpose and plan is for your life.
✔️ How to share the gospel in a fun and creative way.

But don’t just take my word for it! Make sure you watch the videos 👆above that show what others thought of our encounters. 

So, then let me ask you a question. Are you ready to obtain lifetime access to my WITNESS WITH CONFIDENCE course? For less than the cost of “Dinner for 2”, you're able to change someone’s life eternally! Now, while it would be impossible to show you ALL the benefits of the course on one page, I would like to share some highlights…
Course Benefits & Special Bonuses
  • Witness With Confidence in every day situations
  • Overcome The Fear that holds you back 
  • Hear God's Voice to determine your next move
  • Get Ready to be used in miraculous ways
  • Experience God's Presence like never before
7 Video Sessions & Outlines
  • Plus 3 Extra Bonuses For Ordering Now!
  • ✔ Access to Lori's Private Facebook Group - Priceless!

    Religion vs. Relationship - Important Witnessing Resource

    Next Steps - From Decision to Disciple
In addition to the lessons, you will also receiving amazing bonuses as part of this special LAUNCH OFFER! Two 2️⃣ amazing downloadable resources and free access to Lori's “Authentic Ambassadors” Private Facebook Group where you will be encouraged as you go about your evangelistic endeavors. 

In regards to all the time, effort, production costs, and advertising dollars that were put into developing the academy...I know that this course should be valued a lot higher. But I'm not focusing on all the expenditures right now. 😳 Instead, I'm operating on total faith (and pure obedience)...answering God’s call to make this course affordable for ALL those who wish to become equipped. 

If you were to go to Bible college to learn how to share your faith boldly and effectively it could cost you hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars. Not to mention being away from home, your family and your job. This is a challenge for so many people, yet we all know we need to be equipped in this area. So what do we do???

I believe that's why God gave me this idea - to share my course online - making it AFFORDABLE and VERY convenient for you!

So even though I know this course has GREAT value, I have decided to set the price at only $49 FOR THE ENTIRE COURSE which includes:  seven video lessons, nine downloadable resources,  and for a limited time, free access to my private Facebook group where I’ll be providing a ton of extra value! I know that's an extremely great value and I’m simply believing that God will replenish my funds quickly so that I'll be able to continue offering this course for such an affordable price through the Academy. 

Further, I am going to take an even bigger risk by giving you the Authentic Ambassador Guarantee. Which means that if you're not completely satisfied with the content of this course (after confirming that you've completed the lessons and put these tips into practice) I will refund your investment.  But... you must act now if you want to get in on this SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE COURSE LAUNCH! 

So... if all this course did was bring ONE more person closer to Jesus, would the investment be worth it? What if all this course did was help you overcome fear, not only in reaching out., but in every area of your life? Would it still be worth it?

Just imagine what life will be like for you when you’re equipped with these practical tools! So click on the button right now, and you’ll be taken to a secure order form. You won't regret it! After you put in your credit card information, you’ll be taken to a secure member’s area where you can download the course, even if it’s 2 a.m.!
For those of you signing up, this is what’s going to happen next…. 
You’re going to get a private invitation from me delivering the course materials as well as get access to the Facebook group. You’ll also receive two additional resources for registering now. AWESOME, right?!

Because God told me to trust Him with all the finances needed to launch the course, I'm choosing to focus on the eternal benefits that these teachings will provide. You see, it really doesn’t matter to me whether you actually purchase the course because I'm still going to go about my daily business - reaching out the lost (Although I know the course would be great for you. 😄) I’m also certain that Mestas Ministries will receive what’s needed to develop more courses through the Authentic Evangelism Academy. 

So if you're not interested in taking the course, but would like to help me reach more people so I can teach more to reach more, that would be awesome! I'd love for you to partner with me, by making a donation below my signature.👇

However, without having access to these effective evangelistic tools, you’ll continue to be frustrated when it comes to reaching others with the Gospel or at least not do it as much as you know you should. So unfortunately your life in this area will not change. And while I know that sounds kind of harsh, I’m praying you think about whether you believe there's any truth to this statement before leaving this page.

Remember, register for the course NOW to get all the free bonuses and lastly, don't forget... "There's no greater fulfillment than than fulfilling the Great Commission!"

With Love,
Lori ♥️ Mestas

A.K.A. “God Bless You Girl”
Register For This Course Now!
Only $49

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